What do these values & principles mean in practice?
Visit our Children & Youth Page - we explain it for parents.
In Isshinkai Aikido we are not pacifists but we practise “Connection” which is the antidote to Separation. Violence and separation are inseparable. Separation cannot co-exist with Connection; and this works even at a physical level.
Our Isshinkai Values identify the 5 choices essentual to sustaining connection and vaporising fear, and our Isshinkai Principles deal with their technical application in movement for personal safety. This is the essence of our Aikido - an effective way to defend yourself without joining-in with the violence.
About Aiki and Isshinkai Aikido
Aiki is the core principle and technical basis of Aiki-do. There’s a lot to it, but to give you an idea, it’s like having a creative force flowing through every fibre of your being, simultaneously, even under pressure and physical threat… Roughly the equivalent of introducing quantum mechanics into your life. Over time, it’s likely to have a radical effect on your mental outlook. You might come to think of it as a mild form of super-power.
Isshinkai's unique method, a gentle form of Aikido made possible by a powerful system of Dynamic Relaxation techniques, is an exhilarating physical practice which uses habit-forming techniques of movement in combination with an easy-to-learn but powerful mental approach. The results empower, liberate and energise, bringing greater awareness, balance, and wellbeing.
By practising this “Art of Abundant Peace” with Isshinkai, you will learn the skills to stay safe, physically and mentally, without resorting to violence yourself. You will develop skills that you’ll automatically use throughout the rest of your life, and that’ll help you bring the best you to what you do and those you care about. You’ll learn with Teachers who are among the most experienced, highly qualified and closely connected to the origins of Aikido.
You don’t have to be an athlete to join our diverse, inclusive and encouraging community. In fact fit or unfit, we don’t mind!
No one’s going to make you feel bad about where you’re starting from.
And, for those looking for a challenge and to be stretched both physically and mentally, the possibilities are pretty much unlimited, and just as exciting.